Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Evils of Nostalgia.

Thinking about the past hinders the truth. You either paint everything in a far too negative light or a far too positive one.

Most of the time when I think of my past, the light is red. But recently...it has been green.

Feeling terribly bored, I decided to reacquaint myself with a long lost friend. I remembered all of the stupid stuff we used to do and all of the imaginitive games we would create to help alleviate our boredom. I remembered how she accepted the strange things I would come up with, like having tea parties involving minature--possibly barbie themed--china, Girl Scout's Ole Ole's (sp?), Pepsi, and very crummy British accents.

I would smile at these memories, wishing I could do those types of things now. The solution was obvious. Hang with the person who doesn't mind your weirdness. The person who doesn't look at you like you ate some funky mushroom. The person who often encourages the bizarre ideas.

What a stupid idea that was.

Dwelling on the past blinds you to the truth. You're either too busy hating your old life to remember the good times, or you're too busy reliving the glory days to realize the reason you stopped hanging out with said person.

It doesn't feel good being used.

Everyone has one of those friends, I'm sure. The friend who showers you with compliments while slyly sliding in a request here or there. The friend who knows exactly how to spin you to get you to agree to whatever the hell they want. The friend who is real in all their fakeness.

That's why the past stays in the past. Otherwise you neglect memories and forget things that helped shape an experience.

Stupid nostalgia.

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